Hay House

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Black Amber

      Okay - so technically Black Amber is not a stone but is fossilized tree resin. Amber can range in color from golden yellow to dark brown which is almost black - hence the name.
     Natural amber is more often a little cloudy or can be completely opaque. It can contain inclusions such as insects, plants, wood fragments, leaves, snails or larvae. Black Amber can be semi-translucent in areas and completely opaque in others. Patches of the “gemstone” may be golden yellow and have bright highlights. Each piece is unique and has its own appeal.
     Unlike plastic reproductions, amber will float in a saturated salt solution. When heated or it touched with a hot point, true amber will give off a sweet, honey-like smell.
     The metaphysical attributes of Black Amber are the same as regular amber. Amber is a mood enhancer, helps to dispel negativity and give a feeling of safety and security. It allows you to see the truth in situations and make decisive actions when problem solving. In meditation, amber will help you seek truth in your life and assist you in not only understanding your place in this life but allow you to take control. Black amber allows you to see the overall picture and not get stuck in the moment or small details. It helps to ground you without interfering with the process.
     Amber brings out your bodies natural healing abilities - especially when using for respiratory based allergies, heart muscles, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. It balances and stimulates the metabolism. Black amber will balance the high energy of some gemstones like ruby or garnet and allow you to work with them on a more balanced level. Combine black amber with any stone that makes you feel lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous, or over energized in order to dull down the negative effects and bring out the more positive ones.
     Amber, especially black amber, helps to heal the wounds left by relationships. It aids in removing the hooks and cords that may have been left behind. This “gemstone” helps to rebuild confidence in one’s self, helps you to “move on” and to eventually look forward to a more positive relationship than you have had. Combined with rose quartz, black amber will help you to find a more appropriate life partner, friend and/or work situation.

Green Calcite

     Green Calcite is an energy healer, cleaner and amplifier. It works to raise your vibration, cleanse your thoughts and promote mental stability. This gemstone enhances memory, speed spiritual development and intuition, especially during meditation.
     When it comes to past life or current life issues, this stone helps to rebuild trust. Green Calcite transforms negative thoughts and feelings into more positive ones, allowing one to move forward and get past their heartaches, bad relationships and traumatic events.
      This stone amplifies energy in a steady way without extreme highs or lows. It helps to combat laziness, depression, and instills a sense of safety and calmness. Green Calcite gives hope to those who have lost it and aids in manifesting prosperity and success.
     Green Calcite has many diverse healing abilities. It benefits and strengthens the circulatory system, heart, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, spleen, lungs, thymus, muscles, tissue and bone as well as helps to balance the thyroid. Have arthritis, joint pain or an inflammatory illness? Try a warm bath with this stone (it will dissolve over time) to aid in healing and relieve pain.
       You can also keep it in your pocket, under your pillow or make an indirect elixir. An elixir of Green Calcite can also cool sore throats, treat infections - especially of the lungs, throat and sinuses - lower fever and reduce inflammation.
       Use Green Calcite in any of the above ways to aid in overcoming addiction or to break bad habits.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Peeling Back the Layers of Tangerine Quartz

            The first time I saw Tangerine Quartz, the question that was uppermost in my mind was, “Is it natural?” Tangerine Quartz is natural and also laboratory made. Often you can tell a laboratory made Tangerine quartz by the clarity and extreme brightness of the color and the color will sometimes “peel” off. Natural Tangerine Quartz is more stable, and it will not peel as it is deeply encrusted with iron and has inclusions of iron.
            Whether man-made or natural, Tangerine Quartz has the same metaphysical properties- that which is a combination of quartz and iron, as well as having its own beautiful and unique qualities. It resonates with the second and third chakras. This member of the quartz family is beneficial for the reproductive and digestive systems, and aids in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals – especially iron. Stimulates the adrenal and other glands, balances alkalinity, enhances energy, and working on a cellular level, it removes free radicals from the body. Like amethyst, Tangerine Quartz can be used as a master healer for practically every condition.
            This stone stimulates passion on all levels from playful sexuality to the healing of negative sexual experiences. It is a stone of creativity, treasured by artists and poets. It teaches you to release the fear of inadequacy and appearing ignorant, allowing you to exceed limitations and aids in problem solving. It takes you beyond a limited belief system, releasing negative karma and guilt, relieving shock and trauma at a soul level and realigning the aura. It teaches you to both give and receive and that what you put out is what you get back. It is a good tool for use in past-life recall as well as healing past life issues that are encroaching upon your current incarnation.
            Combined with Chlorite, Tangerine Quartz helps to heal after psychic attack, aids in soul retrieval and integration as well as bringing you into a more positive vibration. It instills a child-like wonder, enthusiasm, hope, curiosity and joy. It encourages growth, understanding and the search for knowledge while allowing creative expression of ideas and feelings. Tangerine Quartz allows you to look at things in an honest and forthright way as well as aid you in living your life with the same integrity.

            This is a stone of cleansing, never needs recharging and as a precaution, should be used in an indirect method when making an elixir. Azeztulite would be a wonderful companion to Tangerine Quartz in aiding the fight against cancer. This combination would also help soften the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.



     Not familiar with Morganite? You may just want to get to know this stone that has many wonderful qualities. Not only is it pretty to look at, it gives off a calming energy as well as has many physical and spiritual characteristics.  You are probably more familiar with it's cousins aquamarine and emerald.
      For people who have a negative outlook on life or a defeatist attitude, Morganite would be a good stone with which to work to change their pessimistic nature. This stone encourages loving thoughts and actions, removes blockages of karmic emotional pain and releases pent up emotions. It will cleanse your heart as well as open it up to unconditional love. Morganite will also help to attract love to your life but use it with an amethyst to encourage the right kind of love.
     Morganite helps to fight narrow mindedness, egotistic tendencies, and over analysis. This pink stone replaces these harmful tendencies with wisdom, clear thought, an appreciation of different perspectives as well as patience and tolerance. It is a stone to help reduce stress which could lead to illness.
      On a physical/healing level, Morganite is good in combating respiratory ailments such as tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis. It also helps to detoxify your circulatory system and provides help to low oxygenated blood cells. This stone is beneficial to the elimination system - especially the stomach, intestines and liver.
If you have experienced a concussion or have problems with your spine, meditating with Morganite can assist your healing. Need to calm your mind and slow down your thoughts? Put a Morganite under your pillow - it will act as a sedative.

      On a spiritual level, this pink gemstone will equalize your soul and body's vibrations to realign and balance them. This is also a stone that is beneficial to a responsible person who uses it in soul retrieval. * Soul retrieval/recovery is where a person feels they have lost a part of their energetic, spiritual, emotional and/or psychic self. It is not the biblical soul but all parts of the person, including their physical self. Often the separation is caused by emotional trauma.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Good Night's Sleep with Gemstones

     With daylight savings time upon us, we all could use a better night's sleep. Try putting an amethyst or lepidolite on your nightstand or under your pillow will help with a more restful sleep. Worries keeping you awake? Try placing a Sodalite or Selenite at the top of your head, under your pillow. Bloodstone in a clear bowl of spring water beside your head will give you a peaceful night’s sleep, but only do this once a month for the full benefit of a good night’s sleep as your body will get used to the vibration and won’t be as effective. If you are having a problem with sleeping or insomnia, try putting an Amethyst or Lepidolite under your pillow when you go to sleep. You can also place Muscovite, Magnetite (Lodestone) or Pyrite at the head of your bed or next to it. These stones should help your body relax enough to fall asleep. If the head of your bed is in the west, and you are having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, place Selenite at the head of the bed, either on your headboard, under the mattress on the box spring or beside the bed.     Amethyst with Sulfur will protect you psychically, while Danburite will help tone down tinnitus. Danburite will also help you connect with your higher self while sleeping. If you astral travel, put a piece of Hematite or Smoky Quartz at your feet for grounding. If you need more grounding use Black Obsidian or Shiva Lingam.
Use salt lamps, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Fluorite or Amethyst near computers, microwaves, televisions and other electronic devices to purifying the air and reduce negativity. Make a gemstone elixir and spray the air to reduce negativity or illness. Geodes or cathedrals will also work to calm the atmosphere, inspire creativity, focus and decision-making. Geodes help to center yourself by balancing your chakras, clearing your mind and calming the nerves.
     Having nightmares or disconcerting dreams? Use an Apache Tear, Pink Calcite or Blue Chalcedony. Are you a sleepwalker? Perhaps it is time to work with Hematite or Moonstone. 
     Gemstones can also help with past life, lucid or dream recall. Try using a Yellow Obsidian or Amber to change the tone of your dreams to a more calm and enjoyable scenario. Having to get up during the night to urinate and then having problems getting back to sleep. Try using a Carnelian to strengthen your kidneys and elimination system and combine it with Amethyst to allow you to relax and get back to sleep more quickly.

Find out more about gemstones for insomnia dreaming and much, much more in my book "Working with the Mineral Kingdom - A Gemstone Elixir Recipe Book." 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Shungite - A Mineral Tool for Many Illnesses

Shungite – What is it? No, it is not a blessing after you have sneezed, nor is it a swear word! Like the german word “gesundheit” which means “health,” Shungite it is an amazing stone of health, protection and blessings.

Shungite actually comes from Russia and is one of only a handful of stones to have been studied for many years and has documentation of its health benefits. This stone contains a material known as “fullerenes” which is a powerful anti-oxidant. It slows the growth of cancer cells and the development of the AIDS virus as well as addresses many other health related issues. When working with this stone in meditation, it gives you a deep sense of peace and comfort while grounding you gently. It will also protect you from psychic vampires and energy draining people.

This powerful stone will also protect you with a shield from electro-magnetic radiation that is given off by today’s cell phones, computers, microwaves, television, wifi and other electronic devices. It absorbs the negative energy of these devices as well as the emotional negativity of people around you while instilling a sense of protection and light.

Make a mineral water or elixir from Shungite. It is safe to use directly in your water.
microwaves, wi-fi and many other electronic devices. It is also excellent as an environmental cleanser, and absorbs negative energy. You can also use Shungite mineral water on your skin to aid with eczema, psoriasis, acne or other skin related allergies.

Shungite neutralizes acid, removes bacteria, nitrates, pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals and other toxins from your water. It also is a muscular and skeletal pain reliever and can be worn directly against the skin for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Combine Shungite with Carnelian to end a cold more quickly. Combine with Amethyst for a stronger immune system. Combine with Clear Quartz for a boost of energy. Shungite is a powerful stone by itself but when combined with other gemstones will enhance their characteristics.