Hay House

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Discovering Lemurian Crystals

Not too long ago, a woman came up to me and asked if the tangerine quartz cluster in her hand was a Lemurian Dream Tangerine Quartz. I professed I didn’t know too much about the Lemurian Seed crystals and have been confused by all I’ve read. It looked like a Lemurian Seed crystal by the horizontal striations on the sides, but when I looked at many of the single clear quartz points around it that were not labeled “Lemurian,” they had striations as well. Were they all Lemurian and just not labeled as such? I knew it was time to do some of my own research to find out.
I discovered that Lemurian Seed crystals were found in Brazil around 1999/2000. Normally quartz points are mined in cluster forms, but these Lemurian Seed crystals were lying in a separate bed of sand, unattached to clusters.
So how do we recognize Lemurian crystals at a glance? After reading many descriptions and going by various resources, my definition of a Lemurian Seed crystal is: a single standing, “frosty or milky” quartz with numerous deep horizontal striations. They can have a natural golden or pink glow.
Horizontal striations can appear on many quartz pieces but it is the “numerous deep” part that I find is the key to whether it is a Lemurian Seed crystal. After doing my research, I discovered that my “Soulmate” crystal is actually a Lemurian Soulmate crystal. You can see and feel the grooves on all sides of the crystal – like a non-gritty sandpaper feel – while the top is clear and smooth. Despite the fact a Soulmate is two crystals growing together, it still would be described as a single standing crystal – not a cluster.
Also going by the description above, I found that my Recordkeeper single quartz point could be a Lemurian Seed crystal. The striations are not as deep as the Soulmate crystal, but you can definitely see and feel them. It also isn’t as milky looking as the Soulmate crystal but does have a “foggy” look. However, going by the descriptions I’ve read about Recordkeepers, it would be an Atlantian (or Atlantean) Recordkeeper because it only has triangles on its face and no upside down triangles on its sides.

Remembering back to the Tangerine Quartz cluster that the young woman held, I don’t believe it was a Lemurian Dream Tangerine Quartz for the following physical reasons:
#1 It was a cluster and not a single piece.
#2 The striations on the side were not as numerous or deep as you would expect a Lemurian to have.
#3 I have not found anyone offering or selling Lemurian Tangerine Quartz clusters (although this piece did come directly from a mine in Brazil).
#4 Dream Quartz contains Epidote and/or Actinolite & Prehnite which this cluster did not have.
The best way to know about a crystal is to work with the crystals on a personal basis. If you believe in the existence of Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu), then you may be more aware of energy linked to those lost civilizations and can identify such stones. No matter what a stone is labeled or what metaphysical properties others say it may have, only by working with the stones will you have a personal understanding of them. Their vibrations are as unique as we are, and we all interact with them differently.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Gemstones for Grief

The passing of a loved one is a difficult, life-changing event. Sometimes the party involved is having a hard time letting go of life and crossing over.

 The following gemstones are tools that can be used for you or your loved ones.

 Danburite is a stone that aids a spirit in leaving its host body and moving onto its next stage, This stone invites the angels to assist in the transition as well as comforting those left behind.

 Lapis Lazuli is an ancient stone used by the Egyptians. It can reduce physical pain. 

Grieving is a natural process and Chiastolite can help to release emotions as well as heal emotions in the grieving process. 

Scolecite can calm. Amber, Honey or Orange Calcite, and Yellow Obsidian can combat depression. 

Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love. 

Blessings and healing energy to all.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Auralire23 - stone for 2018

Auralite23 is a unique gemstone consisting of up to 23 different minerals.This stone is good for what ails you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The vibration of this stone is very high which can be uncomfortable for some people and it is best used in small amounts of time for those sensitive to it. It you feel nauseous, dizzy or get a headache, stop using immediately. Auralite23 has the properties of quartz, amethyst, citrine and countless more. One of its most powerful characteristics is combatting fatigue and boosting your overall health.

It is a great stone for people who expend a lot of energy helping others but don’t help themselves. Paired with seraphinite, this combination will make you feel refreshed and recharged in a short period of time. Auralite will also release stress and anxiety. This unassuming gemstone works for those who have a chronic illness. The minerals that comprise this stone work on all areas of the body and goes where it is needed. It reduces inflammation and joint pain.

Placed near your bed or under your pillow, Auralite relieves insomnia and produces a deeper sleep. You wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle another day. If you experience nightmares or do not enjoy lucid dreaming, then avoid this stone and try lepidolite instead. Like Super 7, Auralite23 aids you in meditation and on your spiritual path. The high vibration can be a little too much for some people and I suggest using a smoky quartz or hematite to ground. This stone works with the third eye to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. This stone can also be used to connect to past lives and allow you to recognize and to cleanse karmic debts.

Mined in Canada, this stone was developed more than 1.5 BILLION YEARS ago, It contains at least 17 minerals such as Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Giallite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile. I have been using this stone for two years and it has aided me greatly with fatigue and overall health. I had a few other people test the stone and they were amazed at how quickly it worked on their health problems as well as gave them a sense of peace and relaxation. Auralite 23 can aid you as well - just give it a try