Hay House

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gemstone Combinations for De-Stressing

Work, home life, financial, relationship and health stress can take a toll emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually. People often eliminate the symptoms and not the point of stress. Perhaps we feel we cannot do anything about what is causing the stress in the first place. Maybe we feel trapped in our jobs, we can’t get more money without getting another job and we don’t have time for that job, perhaps we have just had a new child or we are helping out a sick spouse or relative. We do have choices … but depending on the circumstance, we may not want to make a wrong or bad decision because someone other than ourselves may be hurt or affected. These life issues can cause a major amount of stress which may lead to disease.

After a traumatic episode, we may need psychological healing in addition to a possible physical as well as spiritual curative. Take the case of an automobile accident in which we were the injured driver and a passenger in our car dies. Even if the accident were not our fault, we still have guilt and anguish over the death of the passenger. This is when we need to heal the whole person ­ - emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

In the past I would suggest one stone that would help the symptom but not address the actual issue. It would be like putting a bandage on the situation when it may need stitches to heal properly. A combination of stones should be used to address the different facets of the dis-ease or trauma. I have intuitively combined easily available gemstones for the most common stress factors we face. I would recommend having a salt lamp (or two or three) placed in your bedroom, office or any living area where you wish to encourage peace and harmony as well as good health and clean air since it emits negative ions.

Job Stress– Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Chiastolite, Carnelian, Blue Lace Agate

Financial Stress – Citrine, Jade, Garnet, Apache Tear, Chalcedony

Relationships – Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Blue Lace Agate

Health – Selenite, Calcite (Green in particular), Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Seraphinite

Spiritual Disconnection – Angelite, Seraphinite/Chlorite, Kyanite, Apophyllite, Amethyst, Sulfur

These are just some examples that can work for anyone. Just like we have different energy fields, blood types, personalities and chemical make-ups, we still have a lot in common and, like reading a general horoscope, that will be true for a lot of people, it will be way off the mark for others. It is always best to see what stones you are attracted to and what would work best for your uniqueness. Substitute any stone that doesn’t feel right. I know that some people will be disappointed that I didn’t include descriptions of these stone combinations but I believe that part of the therapy is to work with these stones or see what you are drawn to and then read why you are drawn to them.

If you would like to know more about stones to help calm your nerves and boost your health through elixirs, you can purchase my book on Amazon.com. It is called, Working with the Mineral Kingdom - A Gemstone Elixir Recipe Book.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Balancing your charkas with gemstones

Going through stressful times can cause your immune system to weaken. Not getting enough vitamins and minerals can lead to cold, flu, virus, fatigue and more. One of the best things you can do for your body is to balance your chakras or energy fields to rebuild your immune system.

Using gemstones to balance or boost your chakras can be as easy as wearing chakra jewelry or as complex as doing chakra gridding. One quick way to relax and balance your energy fields is to take a chakra bath. All you have to do is align the crystal that corresponds to the chakras along the side wall of the tub or if they are water soluble, place them in the bathwater on either side of you.

You can also make a chakra mineral elixir to drink. If you have a glass container and spring water you can place the stones in the water and leave it in your fridge overnight. Make sure the crystals you use are safe to drink. For drinking purposes, I recommend: Smoky /Quartz, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate or Aquamarine, Blue Aventurine, Amethyst and Clear Quartz.

I have listed gemstones that correspond to each chakra. You can use these or do some research and find stones that you prefer.


Earth/base Chakra (below feet) – Black/Brown Obsidian, Hematite, Smoky Quartz

Ankle Chakra (Brown) Smoky Quartz, Apache Tear, Clear Quartz

Root (Kundalini) (Red) Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper

Sacral (Orange) Carnelian, Zincite, Orange Calcite

Solar Plexus (Yellow) Citrine, Amber, Yellow Calcite

Heart (Green/Pink) Aventurine, Kunzite, Jade, Watermelon Tourmaline,
Rose Quartz, Malachite

Throat (Light Blue) Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, Turquoise, Aquamarine,

Base of Brain (Medium/Dark Blue) Kyanite, Turquoise, Clear Quartz, Amethyst

Brow/Third Eye (Dark Blue/Violet) Blue Aventurine, Iolite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli

Crown (Violet) Amethyst, Lepidolite, Charoite

Higher Crown (White) Apophyllite, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Quartz

Surrounding Crystals: Base = Black Tourmaline, Head = Selenite

Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Amber