One of the more powerful stones for aiding in accessing past lives is Chiastolite. Chiastolite is also known as the "Cross Stone" or as "Andalusite." More accurately, it is a form of Andalusite and has many suggested metaphysical properties. Throughout history it has been used to deflect ill wishing or curses and to dispel negativity. This is a very spiritual stone and can be used for many purposes, such as strengthening memory or lending strength in difficult situations.
One of Chiastolite's main properties is that of creating a bridge for soul transitioning or to help soul's cross over. It is a stone of death and rebirth. It teaches about the immortality of the soul and allows the user to develop new perspectives on old situations. In this way, it aids with changes, problem-solving and the releasing of old habits or destructive habits. Chiastolite, combined with Desert Rose (Selenite), not only breaks down the old habits, but also helps to create healthy new habits and patterns. These two stones also dissolve illusions, calm fears and allow you to face reality and move forward in a positive manner. Feelings of guilt are cleansed as they stabilize the emotions. They also help to clarify messages from across the veil and bring insight.
Like Desert Rose, Chiastolite will allow you to access past lives and astral travel. Some other stones that assist in travel are Petrified Wood, Dendritic Quartz and Phantom Quartz. Working with this Cross Stone can be disorienting or somewhat disconcerting if you are not ready to confront your past lives. One of my friends won't even touch it after experiencing a traumatic past life recall.
I suggest combining Chiastolite with one of the past life healing stones that will allow you to review that life, learn from it, heal it and progress in this life. Selenite, Phantom Quartz, Mangano (Pink Calcite), Wulfenite, Rhodonite, Serpentine (also Infinite), Unakite, Aventurine and Hematite are all past life healing stones that work on different issues. For example, Wulfenite would be for people who were persecuted for religious reasons in past lives, while Mangano would be used for forgiveness and releasing a heart that is trapped in the past allowing for unconditional love in the present.
Desert Rose has many of the same properties of Chiastolite, but works in a slightly softer way. It works especially well when placed in your environment to facilitate harmony and peace (as well as protection from negativity). It is an attractive stone that will blend into your environment when used for gridding purposes. This stone can also aid in changing a negative belief system into a more positive one while at the same time helping one to balance receiving and giving. This rose will enhance love, control emotional outbursts, and allow one to open up to love and trust.
There are other wonderful stones that you can use for meditation or accessing past lives or for crossing the veil like Icelandic Spar, Labradorite, Danburite and Amethyst. These stones can take a little more time and meditation to reveal your past lives but when it comes to healing emotions, sometimes slower is better.
When working with stones that leave you feeling as if you are still floating or disoriented, a ground stone would be good hold or place at your feet. I suggest stones such as Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, or Black Tourmaline. As always, you are the best judge as to what stones work best with your vibration. Experimentation is always fun but if you ever feel dizzy, nauseous or disoriented, stop immediately, get a drink of water and grab a grounding stone that you know works for you.